Friday 31 August 2012

Melker's school trip

Melker's class is having a day/night at Hustegaholm at Lidingö. Great fun for the, paddling in the rain, tacos, disco....
Us parents who were helping with food, staying the night etc..

Coffee morning

With Denise and Pernilla, and little Seth.


Emma and Mateo wanted to play some more after school today
Just when me and my kids arrived at home, Denise called. She had burnt her arm on boiling water. So we runned over to help her, and the kids had a fun dinner at their place.
Mamma Emma feeding baby Mateo..
TV time!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Uncle Mattias

He had home made dumplings with us today, but he is not that great using the chopsticks! Very nice to have him here!

Coffee morning at Gateau

Tina, Ellinor and Anneli

Monday 27 August 2012

Rain inside?

No, it is just Emma who loves her umbrella.
Emma and Mateo were so busy playing. Emma were the mamma, and Mateo her son..

Thursday 23 August 2012

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Vittra mum's night out

We had a very nice dinner at Bryggan last night!
                               Sofie, Me, Denise, Kim, Caroline and Kristina

Tuesday 21 August 2012

School for Emma

Mateo, Emma and Erik had an exciting first day at Vittra today!!

Monday 20 August 2012

Sunday 19 August 2012


We took the bus and tube in to the city! Lars is not very used to that..
Lars, Magnus and Melanie
The kids made some pottery there

The Emmas

Picture borrowed from the Ivarsson's

Saturday 18 August 2012

Crayfish party

Lars, me, Mårten, Denise and Filip
We had a very nice crayfish party last night, the grown ups at a lot, the kids were swimming for hours.

A nice friday

We wen't food shopping in the morning
Melker, Bella and Emma had fun in the pool

Thursday 16 August 2012

Tuesday 14 August 2012

A day with the Andersson's

Emma, Denise and her kids all got their vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis today, we all wen't to the coffee shop afterwards.

After that some swimming at our place